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A Cowboy Christmas

Bring a toy, to donate for TOYS FOR TOTS!!

Range setup will be at 12:00 Noon on Friday

Christmas is the time for giving, so this year the Colorado Cowboys and the U.S Air Force will be donating to Toys For Tots... Bring a toy to the shoot and show your support, Soldiers from the 50th Security Forces will be at the shoot to collect the Toys, so the more shooters we have the more TOYS FOR TOTS!!

As we close upon our shooting year of 2015, there is no better time than now to reflect how giving has become such an amazing part of this sport. We started this journey 4 years ago with a single act of giving that we had never experienced before. A Shooter loaned us a rifle and pistols so we could join in the fun. This led us to borrowing those pistols for a year while we were trying to acquire our own. This actually happened many times over the course of a couple of years so we could outfit the entire family. We have had people give us clothes, leather and bullets all for the sake of ensuring that we stayed around for the fun, family and friendship that we have grown to love.

Later in the sport we decided to give back by volunteering whenever we had the chance, not because we felt obligated but because we learned a new kind of giving. I became a board member of the Colorado Cowboys because I felt like I had something new to offer, and wanted to give a different new perspective to an already awesome group of people. I started going to match set up days, and taking RO1/RO2 classes just to become a larger part of the sport. I have learned many lessons along the way from shooters much younger then I am, to the ones old as dirt, but I always took in all the information and made it my own.

In July of 2015 I was asked to be the Match Director of the Colorado Cowboys and I must say it was an honor for them to even consider me for the job. Instantly I had all the help a new match director could ask for, from fellow shooters to match directors from other clubs. Again I took in all the information and have done my best to give new life to this club. I have had people email me with the nicest complements after a shoot, and say what a great time they had which is what I strive for. We have had great ideas of a new direction to go, and made great headway with the new owners of the ranch. THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT for this club!!!!!

Finally to my point, my family decided a long time ago to be more than just shooters. We wanted to give back, and we will continue to do so for many many years. I want to remind everyone that this sport is about giving not winning; we come for the friendship but stay for the shooting. Sometimes I feel shooters may forget how much fun they had when they started, and how any doors were opened up simply by saying hello. We have become leather workers, cart builders, gunsmiths, knife makers, engravers and bullet makers. Don’t forget what made you start this journey, and try something new to spark new life in you and this sport.

Now for the shocker, Ivy and I are moving to UTAH and this will be our last monthly shoot with the Colorado Cowboys for a while. We were shocked and thrilled to get the job we have been working so hard for, but didn’t expect them to want us there by December 13, 2015. Yes we know that is only 10 days from now, and we are just as surprised as you are to hear this news (we found out Monday). We deeply regret that we will not get to see everyone and say goodbye but want you ALL to know how much we love and cherish each one of your friendships. We will do our best to comeback for the annuals and hope to see everyone when we can, we also will be going to EOT and want see you all there as well.

Please accept our apology with the short notice and hope to see you all on the range somewhere.

With love from my family to yours

Howlin Wolf and Ivy Wild

Howlin Wolf

​Stages for December

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