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BMRW August, 2022 Shoot

Click On The Post To See, Stages & More.

Our next shoot is the BMRW, Friday, Saturday, & Sunday August 5th, 6th, & 7th, 2022. The theme is "Cowboy Quotes". The setup is on Friday August 5th, at 9:30am, all help is welcome. Stop at the general store (office) to sign in, before heading to the range. See y'all Friday.


Congratulation to Kitty Carbine & Scary Indian Dude our overall Women and Men Champions, and congratulations to our 2 clean shooters Marshall Lomondo, & Silas Hendershot. Thank you to all the shooters, sorry for taking so long to post the scores. See y'all at the next shoot.

Stages are Here

BMRW Stages 2022
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