BMRW Annual Shoot Aug. 3,4,&5, 2018

Our next shoot is our annual shoot, 3 days of fun in the mountains. The theme is "Blazing Saddles" by Mel Brooks. We had to get permission to shoot the BMRW this year, due to the fire ban. We are all good to go now. Please get those applications in soon. See y'all the first weekend in August. Setup and cleanup is on Thursday the 2nd at 11:00am, all help is welcome.
Congratulations to Cobra Cat & Tin Lizzy for being our Overall Men's and Women's Champions, congratulation to our 3 Clean Shooters; Angry Tom, Cobra Cat & Marshall Lomondo. I hope all the shooters had a great time this weekend it was a lot of work but I had a great time shooting with everyone, thank y'all for making this shoot a great one. I would like to say a special thank you to all the shooters who donated to our new steel fund.
Scary Indian Dude